Raspberry Pi 3 Fix Ethernet Drop
27 May 2018
I don’t know exactly what is going on with my Pi, but all of the sudden it drops IP v4 connection and only IP v6 is available.
I don’t want to disable IP v6 but I need a way to monitor and fix this. This is basically a reminder for me in case I reinstall Raspbian on my Pi from scratch and forget about this.
I started to search the internet and found this post which more or less resembles what I am seeing.
The steps to fix are basically the same, I just modified the script for my use case and BOOM, we are up again! Hope this fix things from now on. I’ll keep checking and if I have any problem I’ll post an update.
Here is the script:
if ip addr show eth0 | grep -q "inet 192.168.1." ;
START_DATE=$(tail -n1 "$LOGFILE" | awk -F' : ' '/Ethernet OK$/ {print $1}')
[ -z "$START_DATE" ] && START_DATE=$(date +"%m %d %Y %T")
head -n-1 "$LOGFILE" > "$LOGFILETMP"
echo "$START_DATE : $(date "+%m %d %Y %T") : Ethernet OK" >> $LOGFILE
echo "$(date "+%m %d %Y %T") : Ethernet connection down! Attempting reconnection." >> $LOGFILE
ip link set dev eth0 down
sleep 3
ip link set dev eth0 up
OUT=$? #save exit status of last command to decide what to do next
if [ $OUT -eq 0 ] ; then
sleep 3
STATE=$(ip addr show eth0 | egrep -o "inet 192.168.1.[0-9]{,3}")
echo "$(date "+%m %d %Y %T") : Network connection reset. Current state is" $STATE >> $LOGFILE
echo "$(date "+%m %d %Y %T") : Failed to reset ethernet connection" >> $LOGFILE
Automating with cron
In the post I found the solution uses /etc/crontab
to automate the checking, but it was not working for me, so I used sudo crontab -u root -e
to edit the crontab file, then it worked as expected.
2018-05-27 20:54 BRT: Updated script to combine all “Ethernet OK” lines into a single line containing two time stamps. (Based on the idea of the original post)